My painting Contemplation with Expectations is a narrative approach to the concept of a spiritual journey. In this painting I reference again, labyrinths, peacocks, and mosaic floor design. I also make reference to the Ouroboros, which is an ancient symbol depicting a serpent or dragon eating its own tail. It represents self reflexity or cyclicality, in which the circle represents perfection or life everlasting.
The figure in Contemplation with Expectations (a triptych) is in a state of contemplation, seeking information from God. She is surrounded by seven peacocks. The number seven symbolizes spiritual perfection. As reported by Georgy, seven means “divine fullness, completeness and totality. It constitutes a complete cycle.”26 My concept behind this piece is that God has given the figure depicted within the piece a message and it is now her duty to relay the message to the world. Around the figure is a purse in the form of a “messenger bag.” The messenger bag represents the Breastplate of Judgment. The Breastplate of Judgment is “a breast piece for making decisions- Exodus 28:15.” According to the book of Exodus, the Breastplate of Judgment is the breastplate of the High Priest, Aaron, who wore it when in the presence of God.
(The jumbo Braille dots, incorporated in this painting, are a poem that I wrote and transcribed into Braille with clay dots.)