Transformation (Metamorphosis) is reminiscent of classical art, an art of ancient Greek and Rome and influenced by Loie Fuller, an American dancer who was a pioneer of modern dance and theatrical lighting techniques. Fuller designed various silk costumes that were “animated by long baton-like wands (made of aluminum or bamboo) which she held and swirled beneath layers of transparent fabric.”40 Her performances mimicked the metamorphosis of a butterfly.
This painting is a study of a girl who has been in her cocoon allowing God to shape and mold her mind, body, and soul. The figure is bursting out of her shell (cocoon), shedding her old ways and letting her inward spiritual transformation manifest itself on her outward appearance. The figure is mirrored to reflect this change. In the first image the figure is looking down, which can be a sign of fear, doubt, or uncertainty. In the second image she is awakened, looking right out at the viewer. She now possesses the confidence to embrace her change, for she has been made anew and can now effectively serve her divine will in the world.